
Your donation with this online system is totally secure.

Your Donation has the power to transform lives, from sheltering those who have no home, to feeding families who have endured hunger for days on end. Please, donate your Zakat/Sadaqah where the need is greatest.

Once you have calculated your Zakat/Sadaqah, or you already know what your owed amount is, you can choose to make your donation through Anjuman Mufidul. Doing so will support our appeals, helping thousands of innocent lives living in poverty around the Community.

  • আল্লাহ তাআলা বলেন, "বিনা কাজে হিসাব-নিকাশ করা দেওয়ার সময় দান করুন।" (সুরা বাকারা ২:২৭৫)
  • রাসূলুল্লাহ (সাঃ) বলেন, "দান করুন এবং এটি আপনাদের পাশের লোকদের কাছে সুষ্ঠভাবে করুন।" (আল-বুখারী ৪৬৫৪)
  • Allah says, "Donate without reckoning, without considering the return." (Quran 2:275)
  • The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "Give charity and do it properly to those nearby." (Al-Bukhari 4654)

Other ways to donate


Bank Name: Janata Bank
Donation Ac no: 0000002107242
Online Ac No: 0100014550822
Router No: 135157752

হাসপাতাল উন্নয়ন তহবিল

Online AC No. 02336000247
Router No. 210151486
Swift Code No. SDBLBDDH


Online AC No. 0200009441678
Router No. 10154575
Swift Code No. AGBKBDDH